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replication effect中文是什么意思

用"replication effect"造句"replication effect"怎么读"replication effect" in a sentence


  • 复制效应


  • There are four types of channels on enterprise technology spillovers : model and replication effects , competition effects , the associated effects , human capital flows
  • Demonstration and replication effects are refer to the local foreign - funded enterprises which have more than advanced technology and products for local enterprises have a role model ; competitive effects are the increasing pressure that the original foreign bringing to . the situation is that domestic rivals have to raise their technological level ; contact effect refers the direct interaction between enterprises outside purely market transactions , including forward linkages and backward linkages ; effect refers to the movement of foreign - funded training skilled workers 、 managers entering in host country , or foreign - funded staff in the host country having a certain level of technology after the " switch " to domestic enterprises
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